Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Not just looking healthy.

I just got my yearly blood work done and I'm healthy on the inside as well. The last time I got my blood drawn my cholesterol was high, but now it's all perfect!! Yay!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weight Loss Program is Officially Launched

Well after lots of hard work it's finished. It's available for direct download or you can purchase a preloaded mp3 player. MP3 player with have some wait time. All info is on the website.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

40 in 4

I hit my 40 lbs milestone today. I started dropping this weight 4 months ago and I plan on never ever putting it on again. I feel so much better about myself.

Friday, April 12, 2013

70% nutrition 30% exercise.

So I've got the nutrition part down to a point that I don't even have to think about it. I never go off plan. If I did there would be no guilt. Hypnotherapy helped me realize that it's a change from the inside out. I have changed my inside so I'm able to change my physical appearance. I'm just a happy person that can do anything. I'm not limited by false beliefs. I'm not burdened down by what others think of me. I'm my own person that has unlimited potential.

I can confidentially say I have mastered the exercise part as well. This is huge!!!! I lost 84 lbs with no exercise 8ish years ago and I was just a smaller version of the fat me. I was still all giggly and out of shape. Now I'm in the same size clothes as I was before and 20 lbs heavier. It's amazing!!!
The program is almost done so if you want to be notified just sign up at

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Inches: 41.75
Pounds: 37.2

Just 2.8 until my 40 lb goal.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Jonathan Did It!!!

He reached his goal of 25 lbs. He did it in less than 3 months. He did it without a diet. He's in the 100's. Way to go Jonathan. Want to know how he did it?
Go to

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Weight loss update

I'm down 35.4 lbs. I lost about a pound on vacation during Easter.  Pretty amazing if do say myself. I also exercised while I was gone. I'm officially in size 8 pants.

Jonathan is working a lot and trying really hard to get the weight loss program finished. If you go to the website and sign up for the newsletter you get the program for 30$ off. All you have to do is enter in your email address. There really is no commitment. The link to the website is on the right side bar.